It's hard to believe we are halfway through the term. It has been quite a busy start for the boys and it has been nice to see the TGS Facebook feed flooded with photos and insights into the recent events such as the swimming carnival, GPS sport, leadership dinners and the weekend activities.
For the newbie parents, this is generally the time that you may see the cracks starting to appear; the honeymoon period is over and the novelty of boarding is wearing off. You may find your boys have hit a wall, they are tired, emotional and homesickness has set in. On the flip side, there are boys who have finally hit their straps: they have settled into their routines, are enjoying the extra-curricular activities on offer and the homesickness has eased. This is all normal, there is no one size fits all and you may find your son will yoyo between these states throughout the year. Parents, you may feel like a punching bag at times as you are the ones who will wear the brunt of it when things are challenging for your sons. Please know you are not alone and you are certainly not the only parent who will feel like this. Reach out to your Head of House for assurance as they will know how you son is traveling. You are also welcome to seek support from your BPSG representative or me, we are more than happy to have a chat. And please reach out to other parents, they will be your greatest allies when you are in the trenches and often you will take turns at needing and giving the support.
BPSG Functions
The Boarder Parents’ Drinks on the Lawn
The first boarder parent function for 2024, the Boarder Parents’ Drinks on the Lawn, was held on Sunday. It was a lovely intimate afternoon and a great opportunity to reconnect with familiar faces and meet some new parents. There are some photos below for you to enjoy.
Boarder Father/Son Barefoot Bowls
The invites for the Boarder Father/Son Barefoot Bowls on Sunday, 3 March have been sent out. This is the first year that we have held an event for the dads and we are expecting some fierce competition on the greens.
Please make sure you RSVP by the due date, Wednesday, 28 February as we need to confirm catering requirements.
If your son’s father is not available, we would like to open the invitation to grandfathers or other father figures as well.
Click here to RSVP
Feedback on functions
We have received some feedback on the timing of events and we recognise that it is unfortunate that the dates and times do not work for everyone. Please understand that when planning the events in the School calendar it is quite a complex process and consideration is given to many other factors and conflicting events. We will endeavour next year to try and avoid Boarding Parent events on a Sunday afternoon as often people will travel home on this day. We are aware that some parents will not be able to attend all the social events and are hoping to offer additional avenues for informal catch ups that can be facilitated via the WhatsApp House Group Chats.
If you have any feedback, ideas, or suggestions on what we can do to improve the BPSG functions please contact your house representative or me.
Parent WhatsApp House Group Chat Groups
Each Boarding House has a Parent WhatsApp group to keep up to date with things relevant to your individual House. These chat groups are for parents only and will be monitored by the House Representative. The group chats are for positive information sharing, support and an avenue for parents to connect and organise some informal social interaction - such as “Anyone in Twb today in the House keen to catch up for a coffee or drink”.
Anyone approved in the group is welcome to post; it is about building community and connection and getting to know the other parents within your Houses (just be mindful you are following the TGS Social Media Policy guidelines).
Please be advised there is a bit involved in approving people into the groups. For privacy and security, the House reps are required to confirm your identity via private message if it is not visible (some people only show as a phone number). It would be helpful if parents could please check their WhatsApp profile setting to ensure that your first and surname is listed so it displays. It would also be great if you could upload a photo so we can put names to faces.
There are still some little quirks we are learning about WhatsApp, such as you will not see any prior history in the chat when you first join. If you get stuck and need help, check out the WhatsApp help section first and then reach out to your House rep or me and we hopefully will be able to help you get connected.
Please be advised it is NOT the forum to raise concerns, please direct these to your Head of House/Nick Byron. You are also welcome to contact your House Rep or me if you need a sounding board or extra support.
If you wish to join your house WhatsApp Chat Group see the links below:
Boyce House –
Taylor House –
Groom House -
Mackintosh House –
Corfe House -
Stephens House -
BPSG House Representatives Contact Details
Please do not hesitate to reach out and connect with me and/or your House Representative if you need help, we are all here to support you on your TGS boarding journey.
Name: Stephanie Smart
House: Mackintosh/BPSG President
Phone: 0417 421 133
Name: Megan Officer
House: Stephens/BPSG Secretary
Phone: 0419 212 208
Name: Susan Cameron
House: Groom
Phone: 0417 717 770
Name: Sarah McInnerney
House: Mackintosh
Phone: 0427 695 133
Name: Margot Black
House: Boyce
Phone: 0428 349 818
Name: Melissa Hoare
House: Taylor
Phone: 0417 739 563
Name: Lisa Baker
House: Corfe
Phone: 0412 686 572
BPSG Meetings
I encourage parents to get involved and be across the topics that are discussed in the meetings, and ensure that you provide feedback on the topics that are being reviewed.
Nick will be sending out a short survey giving parents the opportunity to provide feedback on the Technology Policy this week.
Next Meeting
Date: Thursday, 28 March 2024* for an online evening meeting
*This date is a tentative (due to School camp program at end T1) and will be confirmed
Time: TBC
Location: Online via teams
All parents are welcome to attend.
If you have a matter, you would like raised at the meeting please email your BPSG House Rep, BPSG President or Nick Byron.