Whilst I’ve been in boarding long enough to know it's going to happen, I’m always astounded by how quickly the school year starts. It seems like only yesterday that I was preparing for the first BPSG meeting of the year. The holiday is certainly over, and it has been a pleasure to have all of our boarders back on campus, making the most of the opportunities available to them.
On that note, in the three weeks since that meeting, our boarders have enjoyed all sorts of activities. The highlight was certainly the trip to the Gabba, to watch a day of test cricket. There have been many hours travelling in cars and working on farms when our boarders would have had the radio tuned to ABC Grandstand to listen to whatever sport was being played. It was a delight to be able to take so many boys to the game and let them watch a day's cricket live.
As the majority of you are aware, I have been working on the activities program constantly for the past couple of years. Whilst there are still activities I’d like to investigate for our boarders, I’m confident that there is something for everyone. To further develop our boys' social and life skills, this year will feature a dinner for each year group. Two have occurred already, the first was for the Year 12s and this night gave them the chance to discuss their leadership of their boarding houses in 2024. Our seniors play a very important role in maintaining the culture and the values of the Blue and Gold. The second dinner continued with this theme, although its focus was our Year 8s who are in their first few weeks of being in a ‘senior’ boarding house. I give my thanks to Mr Brad Allen who spoke to the boys about how they could contribute effectively to their house.
Another element of the boarding program I have been working on is the menu in the Dining Hall. The feedback from Terms 3 and 4 last year was positive, with many of our boarders appreciating the regularity of some favourites. The quantity of food provided also met the needs of the boys, and as you are all well aware, a teenage boy seems to be perpetually hungry so that is no easy feat. Therefore, I was as disappointed as the boys last week when there were a couple of dinner services which failed to meet the standards our boys require. The first was an error in which approximately 40 serves of roast chicken were sent to the Year 8 Formal Dinner function in the Jacaranda Room. Whilst the Year 8s were full to bursting, we had a group of boys in the Dining Hall who had to wait whilst more food was cooked. I will call the second error ‘misguided' culinary flair. The addition of some boiled eggs to a tuna pasta bake did not have the desired effect. Further to this, last year's directive of baked beans or spaghetti to be served as an accompaniment to every breakfast had not been renewed this year. I have spoken to Chartwells about this and I’m sure your sons have confirmed that this has now returned to being common practice. Please rest assured that I am working closely with Chartwells, and your sons are being served good quality food in sufficient quantities.
I firmly believe that this year will be one in which our boarding program continues to evolve to meet the requirements of our boarders. Our experienced boarding staff are well prepared to support our boarders in whatever endeavours they choose. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me, or your son's Head of House.
Boarder Parents' Support Group - From the President
On behalf of the Boarder Parents' Support Group (BPSG), I would like to offer a warm welcome to all our TGS boarding families, especially the new families who have started this year.
We have 41 new boarders enrolled at TGS in 2024; 33 of those are new families to the School.
I encourage our existing boarding families to reach out to those new families, especially those with boys starting in older grades. Often the transition for the boys and their parents in older grades can be a lot harder as many of the existing boarding boys/parents have formed friendships. I encourage you to make time to seek out those new parents in your houses at functions and make them feel welcome and included, keep in mind that it can be just as daunting for the parents as it is for their sons when joining a new community.
I will keep my address brief in this Boarders' Telegraph, and I encourage you to read my January President’s report which can be found in the Parent Lounge > School Links > Boarding.
Steph Smart Boarder Parents' Support Group President
BPSG Functions for 2024
Mark these dates in your calendars for opportunities to connect with other boarding parents socially.
Sunday, 18 February, 3:00pm- Boarder Parents’ Drinks on the Lawn
Friday, 11 October, 5:30pm - Boarder Parents' Appreciation Function
Notification will be sent out via email when the tickets are available for each of these events.
Parent WhatsApp House Chat Groups
Each boarding house has a Parent WhatsApp group to keep up to date with things relevant to your individual house. These chat groups are for parents only and will be monitored by the House Representative. The group chats are for positive information sharing, support and an avenue for parents to connect and organise some informal social interaction - such as “Anyone in TWB today in the house keen to catch up for a coffee or drink”.
Anyone approved in the group is welcome to post - it is about building community and connection and getting to know the other parents within your houses (just be mindful you are following the TGS Social Media Policy Guidelines).
Please be advised there is a bit involved in approving people into the groups; for privacy and security, the House Reps are required to confirm your identity via private message if it is not visible (some people only show as a phone number). It would be helpful if parents could please check their WhatsApp profile setting to ensure that your first and surname is listed so it displays. It would be great too if you could upload a photo so we can put names to faces.
There are still some little quirks we are learning about WhatsApp, such as you will not see any prior history in the chat when you first join (quite annoying). If you get stuck and need help, check out the WhatsApp help section first and then reach out to your House Rep or myself and we hopefully be able to help you get connected.
Please be advised it is NOT the forum to raise concerns, please direct these to your Head of House/Nick Byron and you are welcome to contact your House Rep or myself if you need a sounding board or extra support.
If you wish to join your house WhatsApp Chat Group see the links below:
Please do not hesitate to reach out and connect with me and/or your House Representative if you need help, we are all here to support you on your TGS boarding journey.
The first meeting of the year for the BPSG was held on Monday, 22 January. Meeting minutes can be found on the Parent Lounge > School Links > Boarding.
I encourage parents to get involved and be across the topics that are discussed in the meetings and ensure that you provide feedback on the topics that are being reviewed.
Next meeting
Date: Thursday, 28 March for an online evening meeting (this date is tentative due to the School camp program at the end of Term 1 and will be confirmed in due course)
Time: TBC
Location: Online via Teams
All parents are welcome to attend.
If you have a matter you would like raised at the meeting, please email your BPSG House Rep, BPSG President or Nick Byron.
BPSG Meeting Action Register
Agreed Action
Person Responsible
Completion Date
Technology Policy to be reviewed, invite feedback on current from parents and boys – in particular the handing in of phones at pm roll call.
Nick Byron
Reissue Food Safety Procedure.
Tammy Wilson
Discussions between Heads of House re the movement of Corfe boys at end of year.
Nick Byron and Heads of House
Before end of Term 3
Look at option of Friday night social activities to encourage more involvement of boys in Years 7 – 9.
Nick Byron
Revisit Local Leave policy to ensure boys in younger grades are chaperoned when on leave.
Nick Byron and Heads of House
Talk with Taylor Head of House to review phone cabinets.
Nick Byron and Taylor Head of House
Discussion with HOH that day school detention is not to be carried over in boarding houses.
Nick Byron and Heads of House
Topic/Agreed Action
Person Responsible
Completion Date
QKR could be introduced for the Uniform Shop – currently being reviewed.
Christina Onley
By end of 2024
Security when returning to Boarding later at night, some areas between the Margaret Street loop drop off and the boarding houses are not well lit. Nick is working with head of maintenance (change in position) to identify areas which need more light.
Nick Bryon
By end of Term 1
Streamline a process of duty of care from Bus master to Boarding House master to ensure safety of students when arriving late. Nick has spoken with Head of Sport and Heads of House.
Nick Bryon
Parental point of contact in regional/remote areas – establish these points of contact to provide information, particularly in relation to student transport opportunities.
Nick Byron/BPSG Representatives
End of Term 1
Injury at weekend sport – Revisit policy/procedure when a boarder is injured during weekend sport, particularly if attending ‘away’ fixtures.
Nick Bryon/Head of Sport
Boarding Back Then...
Boarders relaxing in Corfe House - 1997
From the Centenary Dining Hall
Boyce House
Boyce House
Welcome to Boyce House 2024
After an emotional farewell at the end of Term 4, 2023, the School approached the Hall family to extend our tenure as the Head of Boyce for another term. It didn’t take us long to respond after a unanimous vote by all of the family, deciding to return for 10 weeks at the start of 2024. It was lovely to see so many familiar faces on day one and listen to their amazing stories and adventures enjoyed over the festive period. Congratulations must be given to Connor Walker and Jack Newnham for giving huge amounts of their time over these first two weeks ensuring a smooth commencement to the term for all.
We have welcomed two new staff members to Boyce House this term in the shape of Mr Nathaniel McGovern and Mr Joe Whyte. Both have been instrumental in continuing the family feel of the boarding environment by establishing meaningful relationships with the students of Boyce House. We have also welcomed a new cohort of Year 8s and 3 new students across Year 9 and Year 11.
This year, the leadership team of Boyce House have agreed that our house focus shall be the continuation of last year’s mission, ‘Increase Sense of Belonging’. Every Boyce boarder has the opportunity to increase another student's ability to feel at home when they arrive in Boyce House and share the camaraderie amongst their peers. It is about giving back to the house, so you may receive happiness grown through the success of others. We wish all the boys the very best for the term and year ahead.
On the evening of 30 October, the Year 8 Boyce students joined Mr Byron and other Year 8 boarders and staff for a formal dinner in the Jacaranda Room of the Pavilion. The purpose of the evening was to prepare students for future formal dinners by developing elements of table etiquette. We were spoken to by senior members of the boarding community and equipped with tips to help build future success upon. Some of the top tips were to get around the seniors in the house, get active and involve yourself in activities that can break up the repetitive routine of boarding. It was an enjoyable night shared with Assistant Head of House, Mr Brendan Doherty, who displayed his belief in servant leadership by serving us dinner that evening with the kitchen staff. It was great to sit and chat with mates that we are going to share the next few years with and enjoy their company.
Eli McCormick, Year 8
History Made - Congratulations Dom Black
On the first Saturday of Term 1, the TGS First XI padded up against BSHS on Mills Oval after their scheduled match in Brisbane was transferred to Toowoomba, due to BSHS fields being deemed unfit to play on. This year we have two outstanding athletes representing Boyce House in Connor Walker and Dom Black. TGS did not bat well this day but managed to build a respectable score that they set about defending. The bowling was intelligent and limited BSHS scoring but as the game grew closer towards a result, up stepped Dom Black to bowl.
Dom was able to achieve a feat not seen in over 60 years by bowling a hat trick in a First XI match. What was even more incredible was that Dom achieved this with his last three balls dismissing the 8th, 9th and 10th batsmen to finish the match. This meant that he now had the opportunity to achieve a double hat trick in the next game with his first ball of his spell.
2023 Academic and Personal Achievement Celebrations
In Week 1 of this term, the School community assembled to celebrate the academic achievements of 2023. Last year was an outstanding year for Boyce House with four of our seniors taking out top academic prizes whilst being supported by a strong group of boys from Years 7 to 11.
Academic Awards 2023
Charlie Beckwith, Year 7
Corfe House Contribution to Boarding Award
Mitchell Payne, Year 8
Boarding Community Award
Christopher Piccini, Year 9
Maxima Cum Laude Boarding Community Award
Cameron Reardon, Year 10
Boarding Community Award
Hamish Marshall, Year 11
Prize for General Mathematics Ralph Kell Dowse Memorial Prize for Agricultural Science Merit
Jack Newnham, Year 11
Boarding Community Award
Pat Savill, Year 12
E R (Russ) Johnson Memorial Prize for Accounting Trevor Watts MP Prize for Agricultural Science Merit J K Winn Medal
William Street, Year 12
Prize for Psychology Merit J K Winn Medal
Drummond Whitaker, Year 12
Alec Ziesemer, Year 12
Prize for Essential Mathematics
Year 12 Awards Assembly 2023
Beau Campbell
Captain of Swimming Outstanding Performance in Swimming Award (G R Banks Trophy)
Rahul Captain
First V Basketball Most Valuable Player
Tom Knudsen
TGS Parents and Friends Award (Service to Cadets) The Officer Commanding Award to the CSM
Year 12 Excellence in Drama
Harry Newnham
First XV Rugby Toughness and Commitment (Lew Hatherell Trophy)
Pat Savill
Pro Summa Diligentia Award Dr George Fielding Award for Application and Diligence R L Mills Memorial Prize for an Exemplary Role Model TGS Old Boys' Association Inc Prize for Senior Boarder Prefect
William Street
Dr George Fielding Award for Application and Diligence
Drummond Whitaker
Dr George Fielding Award for Application and Diligence
Congratulations to all award recipients for their effort towards their studies, co-curricular and giving to others.
Coming Up
7 February, 2024: Inter-House Swimming Carnival – Boyce House will attempt to win their 5th straight swimming carnival in a row in Week 3 of Term 1. We look forward to watching the boys give their best on the day and support their teammates. Parents are encouraged to attend but please be mindful that seating will be at a premium due to the grandstand being for students and staff only.
10 February, 2024: Cricket v TSS
17 February, 2024: Cricket and Volleyball v ACGS
Corfe House
Corfe Courier
A few words from Henry White, Head of House.
Welcome to 2024!
Having now had the privilege of guiding your sons for three weeks, I am thrilled to write this piece, the inaugural ‘Corfe Courier’ for 2024. Your boys have experienced a great deal in this short period and have a lot to write home about, I’m sure. There is plenty to report on – new faces and friends, new rosters and rules, outings and excursions, sport and let’s not forget schoolwork! Our crop of Corfies have certainly kept busy and I’m excited to report on their transition and experiences so far. Scanning ahead to the carousel of photos below, you will see for yourself just how busy the lads have been!
I wish to preface this article by firstly acknowledging each of you, as parents, and by thanking you for your confidence in our team, your trust in our program and your ongoing cooperation. Delivering your son to a house full of strangers is not an easy thing to do, particularly at this young and impressionable age. We understand it requires immense trust. I’ve enjoyed getting to know each of you so far; some directly, others indirectly through stories and anecdotes from proud sons keen to spruik their home and family. I look forward to what the year holds and to working closely with you in supporting your son and enabling him to thrive as a boarder in Corfe House.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank and introduce our staff. We have a wonderful team here in Corfe, each with a diverse set of skills and experiences. Although you met a handful of us at the orientation afternoon, I would like to formally acknowledge and welcome each of the following staff to our team for 2023.
The Team:
Kabe Cicolini: Corfe Assistant Head of House
Janelle Fletcher: Corfe Housemother and fulltime Corfe resident
Edward Munro-Martin: Gap Student and fulltime Corfe resident
Jenny Bazley: Boarding Supervisor
Eugene Seddon: Boarding Supervisor
Mac Flegler: Boarding Supervisor
Cayley Voss: Boarding Supervisor
Finlay Wright: Boarding Supervisor
A Note on Homesickness
Please know your boys are doing well. Boarding is a journey and boys will take this at their own pace. Some will inevitably take a rockier road and others will take longer to find their way. This is natural. For some, the transition to life in Corfe has, so far, been a smooth one. For others, the novelty of this new experience has begun to settle and the realities of homesickness have set in. Do not be concerned by this; we see this every year and our team is doing everything we can to provide support. Please know we are a phone call away.
Play Hard and Play Fair
The vast majority of Corfe boys have entered into one of the various co-curricular offerings for Term 1 and I’ve relished the opportunity to walk across campus and witness them having a go and playing fair. GPS Cricket and GPS Volleyball are the two favourites, with a few boys also having a splash in GPS Swimming and others trying their hand at Cadets.
I’m proud that so many have chosen to enrich their time in Corfe with these commitments, regardless of their experience or expertise. We will continue to promote a consistent message of positivity around all co-curricular involvement – "Get out there and have a go! You won’t know you love it if you don’t have a crack!"
Working Hard – Getting Stuck into Academics and School Life
Fundamentally, it is my belief that a flourishing boarding house, while a separate entity, should be considered an extension of the classroom. It is my goal this year to provide a prep program for Corfe that enables boys to thrive academically.
So far, your boys are on track. They have responded well to the demands of the academic day, and their approach to prep and homework in Corfe, while not yet perfect, is certainly moving in the right direction.
Corfe Communication Moving Forward
As you are now familiar, a formal communication, ‘Corfe Courier’, will be published fortnightly via Toowoomba Grammar School's newsletter, The Boarders’ Telegraph. In this piece, I will provide a recap of all preceding events and activities, updates on life in Corfe, important reminders for upcoming events, and, of course, plenty of snaps of smiling boys!
Tune in for the next Corfe Courier, set to hit inboxes in Week 5, for an important overview of Corfe House’s Boarding Curriculum for 2024. This will provide important details that parents will want to know about our big picture planning this year, including Corfe House’s thematic framework, in-house leadership opportunities, and the Corfe House Year 10 Service and Leadership Residency (a live-in leadership and peer-support program to support your son’s pastoral development in Corfe House).
Day 1 - What a Shot!
A few words from Janelle Fletcher, Housemother.
The boys have made a pleasing, commendable start to the year particularly given for many it is their first foray into boarding. We, as a house, have spent the first few weeks getting to know one another, learning the inner workings of the School and establishing a routine which the boys have responded to brilliantly. Boys' rooms, for the most part, are neat and tidy, and washing is being sent to the laundry regularly and collected diligently.
Afternoons are spent at training or in house playing pool, chatting, reading, catching up on prep or games of cricket in the courtyard. Often boys take the opportunity to explore the expansive grounds of TGS, free ranging and having fun. I treasure these afternoons, seeing the boys relaxed, happy and excited, full of vim and vigour – essentially being boys! It’s perfect and as it should be. During these afternoons we have time to enjoy the warmth of the summer sun and chat about all matter of things. From farming to football, family to favourite pastimes, we share stories and experiences. Building connection, trust and a sense of community.
At times, boys have been downhearted, missing home and family which is completely natural, but the moments of melancholy are brief. I’m truly astounded at how well the boys have managed homesickness, they have done so incredibly philosophically and maturely. They are a credit to you.
In these first few weeks I have noted impeccable manners, kind hearts, thoughtful gestures, respectful and considerate behaviour and the beginnings of lifelong friendship. I feel certain these fellows will keep us in constant amazement!
It has been a great start to 2024 in Groom House. It seems like it was many months ago that a new group of boys and families arrived to the Groom common room for my introductory orientation talk. Since then, the boys have been impressive in the manner in which they have adapted to their new surroundings. That is not to say that there haven't been minor teething problems, but the wonderful house community has assisted everyone in making this transition a smooth one. Changes have not only occurred for new boys; there is a new group of Year 12s leading the house, a new group of Year 11s taking their academic work a little more serious than ever before and an adapted leadership team, with Mr Nicholls joining the Mighty Green Machine. I think we are up and running for a successful year ahead.
I include here some photos of Day 1 before the new boys started their brand new school. We only intended on taking photos of the new boys but did not realise the love of teenage boys seeing pictures of themselves!
Despite having to overcome new uncertainties this has certainly not been a slow start. The number of boys participating in schoolwide activities is astounding. Many are already in the routine of early morning gym sessions (some as early as 5:30am) and Groom House participation in GPS sport is second to none. Although it is not always right to single out boys in these activities as performing in a C team demonstrates TGS values just as much as those gifted enough to be in an A team, we must make special mention of Fraser Judd, who has played in the First XI cricket team in the first two fixtures, and Jackson Haynes who travelled to Melbourne with the First XI pre-season tour party. It was also wonderful to see Joshua Maher and Alex Reddacliff show their astounding abilities in the pool. I believe that Alex even broke a School record or two at the House Swimming Carnival.
On top of GPS sports, the junior years academic enrichment program has begun, and a number of boys have academic tutors visiting and are making use of the newly created work/social room in the house. Will Watson, Charles Rowen, Campbell Head and Charlie Chen continue to be integral members of the Cadets (including the come and try day last weekend) and we have boys already attending the TGS Mountain Biking Club. Somewhere in here we have also managed to fit in a Year 12 dinner at which they made plans for their leadership this year and a Year 8 dinner in the Jacaranda Room where Mr Byron and Mr Allen spoke about TGS Boarding culture and taught them some basic etiquette surrounding dining.
Could we please ensure that boys have alarm clocks. There are a number of boys who still do not have an alarm clock. We are extremely reluctant to allow boys to keep their phones overnight for this purpose, knowing exactly how tempting and addictive they can be for teenage boys.
Nut Free Zone
Please note that Groom is a nut free zone now. We have at least one boy who suffers from a severe nut allergy, so it is of paramount importance that we do not send foods containing nuts in your care packages to the boys.
The new Queensland government rules on technology (or lack of technology) in schools includes wearable devices. As such, it is our preference that these should also not be brought into the boarding house. Whilst many of these devices have the capability of accessing apps, which circumvents the technology procedures, they are very expensive and we fear that they may be misplaced if they are constantly taken on and off each day for school.
Boys will have their phones after school from 3:10pm to 5:45pm when they hand them in prior to dinner and prep, and will have them from 8:00pm until lights out each evening. Could you please do your best to make contact with your sons in these times as we are trying to minimise the interruptions to prep. We do understand that there are times when this is unavoidable. In this instance, parents can call the MoD phone and if the boys recognise a need to initiate contact with parents, they simply need to communicate maturely with staff.
Man of the Week
Due to a staffing malfunction in the first full week of term (we are human and make mistakes, whatever we like to tell the boys!) there was not a Groom House Man of the Week presentation made. The boys will not let us forget (as food prizes are involved) and there will be a double presentation next week... Watch this space for more tales of wonderful Groom House boys.
Groom Boarder Parents Community Notices
Groom Boarder Parents' Support Group (BPSG) Representative
I would like to introduce you to Susan Cameron who is your Groom House BPSG Representative. Susan is the person to go to if you need any parent support in Groom House, if you have any questions or would like to have any issues, concerns or suggestions raised at the BPSG meetings.
Groom BPSG WhatsApp Group – don’t forget to join to stay connected with other Groom parents!
Each boarding house has a parent WhatsApp group to keep up to date with things relevant to your individual house. This group is for parents only and will be monitored by the House Representative. This group is for general positive discussion directly regarding boarding in that individual house and the House Representatives will keep you updated with any important info, date reminders, etc. This is not a group to have a 'whinge' or raise concerns, it is for information sharing purposes only.
As the dawn of a new year unfolds, individuals across various walks of life contemplate their aspirations and ambitions for the months ahead. For an Assistant Head of House in a boarding school, this period marks not just the beginning of a new year but also a fresh chapter in the journey of shaping young minds and fostering a nurturing environment within the boarding community.
Embracing this role comes with a profound sense of responsibility and optimism. It entails not only administrative duties but also a commitment to the holistic development and well-being of the students under one's care. With this in mind, here are some hopes and aspirations for the year ahead in my role as an Assistant Head of House:
1. Cultivating a Culture of Inclusivity and Belonging.
Central to the ethos of any boarding school is the creation of a supportive and inclusive community where every individual feels valued and respected. As an Assistant Head of House, one of my foremost hopes is to foster a culture where diversity is celebrated, and all students feel a sense of belonging irrespective of their backgrounds or abilities. By organising events that promote cross-cultural understanding and by encouraging open dialogue, I aim to create an environment where students feel empowered to express themselves authentically.
2. Nurturing Personal Growth and Resilience.
Boarding school life offers a unique opportunity for students to develop independence, resilience and essential life skills. My hope is to support and guide students on this journey of self-discovery, providing them with the necessary tools and resources to navigate challenges effectively. Whether through mentorship programs, seeking counselling services, or extracurricular activities, I aspire to create a nurturing environment that encourages personal growth and fosters a spirit of resilience among students.
3. Fostering Academic Excellence.
Academic excellence forms the cornerstone of any educational institution, and as an Assistant Head of House, I am committed to supporting students in achieving their full potential academically. Through regular academic monitoring, personalised support and collaboration with teachers and faculty members, I aim to create an environment that promotes a passion for learning and academic achievement. Additionally, I hope to instil in students a sense of curiosity and a desire for lifelong learning beyond the confines of the classroom.
4. Promoting Health and Well-being.
The well-being of students is paramount, and I am dedicated to promoting a culture of physical, mental and emotional wellness within the boarding community. This includes encouraging access to recreational activities, promoting healthy lifestyle choices and seeking support services for students facing mental health challenges. By prioritising self-care and fostering a supportive network of peers and mentors, I hope to create a nurturing environment where students feel empowered to prioritise their well-being.
5. Building Strong Relationships.
At the heart of any successful boarding house is the sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among students and staff members. My hope is to build strong, meaningful relationships within the boarding community based on trust, communication and empathy. By fostering a sense of unity and collaboration, I believe we can create a supportive network that enhances the overall boarding experience for everyone involved.
In conclusion, the year ahead holds immense promise and potential for growth, both for the students under my care and for myself as an Assistant Head of House. By embracing these hopes and aspirations, I am confident that together, we can create a nurturing, inclusive and vibrant boarding house where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.
Mr Peter Nicholls Assistant Head of House - Groom Boarding
Mackintosh House
Mackintosh House
Welcome to 2024
This first three weeks have been very busy for the boys in Mackintosh House. We have had a great time catching up with our returning boys and families, while welcoming four new fantastic families to our Mackintosh House community. We have enjoyed welcoming Craig Thaggard, Azariah Toki-Mautairi, James Schramm, Xander Jones and their families.
On the public holiday, Friday, 26 January, I was fortunate to be able the travel with our boarders to the West Indies V Australia Test Cricket at the Gabba. It was a hot but great day with the boys at the cricket, and as the match unfolded it was memorable Test to be at. I know that our boys are looking forward to other upcoming activities including Wet 'n' Wild later in the term.
Our Mackintosh House family evening was a lovely evening in a beautiful setting. It was great way to welcome out new Mackintosh House Senior School families to the house and build connections between the day and boarding communities. During the evening, we were addressed by our Mackintosh House Captains, Harry McMillan (Boarding) and Ben Burgess (Day), as they welcome our new Head of Mackintosh House - Day, Mr Ben Schuhmacher.
The boys enjoyed catching up with Matty Wise and Will Flegler when they returned to receive awards for academic achievement from last year. Matty and Will spent some time with the boarding house during the afternoon which was appreciated by our current boarders. Matty and Will have both commenced their university studies in Gatton and Toowoomba respectively.
I have been very impressed with the way that all of our boys have returned and started the year in all areas, in the classroom, during prep times, on the sporting field and with each other in the house. We have great boys in Mackintosh House, and I am looking forward to a great year with the boys, their families and staff.
Brad Allen Head of House - Mackintosh Boarding
Year Group Dinners - Year 12 and Year 8
The boys from senior boarding houses including Mackintosh House will be involved in year group formal dinners, workshops and meetings across TGS Boarding throughout the year, as we look to support boys in the boarding journey, enhance their social skills and embrace their ideas and voice. On Monday, 29 January, Mr Byron conducted a Workshop Dinner with all Year 12 boarders as they continue to set their plan and implement their action in each house. Our Macintosh House leaders have come back with many good ideas for the house. They also very much enjoyed the Everest Spice curry that was on the menu for the night.
On Tuesday, 30 January, I had the pleasure of enjoying a meal with the Year 8 boarders at their formal dinner. I had the opportunity to talk to them about how to set up their own positive culture, how to be leading and how to be good house citizens in their respective house and as a boarder at Toowoomba Grammar School.
The Red House were courageous in their effort to win the Inter-House Swimming Championships on Wednesday. Check out TGS socials for highlights of the event.
In and Around Mackintosh House
Our boys have begun playing different card games with each other on Friday nights. Boys have been playing 5 Crowns, Monopoly Deal and Uno. Last Friday, the King of Cards, winning the Tim Tams, was Archie Smart.
We enjoyed a great catch up with our Year 9 Mackintosh Boarders boys on Tuesday night. We have 10 Mackintosh Boys in Year 9 which includes new boys Xander Jones and James Schramm. The boys were keen to talk about their experiences and how they have supported each other as the year began.
During the past weekends and evenings, the boys have been enjoyed games and activities. On the first weekend, the boys enjoyed some competitive dodgeball with boys from the other houses. The boys have also enjoyed supporting their mates on the volleyball courts and on the cricket fields.
From Harry McMillan - Mackintosh Boarding House Captain
Dear All,
I am Harry McMillan, the Mackintosh Boarding House Captain of 2024. I live on a property called ‘Doonba’ near Teelba QLD, which is about three and a half hours west of here and about an hour and a half north of St George. I hope everyone has had a great start to the year and all is well. I want to highlight the core values and key character traits that make a Mackintosh Man. These traits are being kind, honest and hardworking. We place an emphasis on these traits and encourage all boys in the house to embody these in all that they do, in the house, at school, at home and in the community. Being kind not only means being kind to others, but it also means being kind to yourself. Being honest involves being honest not only to the people around you but also to yourself, making good decisions, and telling and living the truth. This may be in your work or at training, making sure you really are getting stuck in. Being hardworking doesn’t just apply to work and sport, but rather it applies to the house and Mackintosh as a collective; how do we work hard for each other, especially working hard at the things that may not be our first choice or our strength? By working hard for the house, we see results for individuals who reach their personal best and collectively by winning the Headmaster’s Shield four years in a row. I would love to see another win this year as a House Captain, helping the boys do their best.
In sum, I want to see all Mackintosh men and boarders working hard to reach their personal best to ensure the success of the house. We have a big year ahead of us, and we’re excited to get into it. We Rock Up!
Stephens House
Stephens Sentinel
Welcome to 2024
It seems to be something of a belated ‘Welcome Back’ given that we are now at the end of Week 3, however, I was delighted to see that we had a reprieve, and our first issue was not due until this point in the term. It is great to have the boys back, the new Year 8 intake settled and the new fellas to TGS – in a number of different year groups – all making their way in the house specifically, and the School more widely.
A number of years ago, a colleague suggested that I familiarise myself with the work of a renowned educational psychologist and theorist, US-born Professor Robert Marzano. He wrote about the theory of continuous improvement; however, I quickly became bored and decided to do something else.
Stephens House is evolving along the lines of my theories – probably quite worrying for anyone who reads this too closely! But I think it is going pretty well and I hope the boys agree. As many of you will know, the house is underpinned by ‘GRIT’ and we speak with the boys regularly about ‘Gratitude’ ‘Respect’ Integrity’ and ‘Trust’ and how that plays out in our community.
Beyond that, I have worked out their needs, and we, as a house community, try our very best to meet these needs. We like to ensure that the boys have a chance to be busy and there are things going on. I feel that it is important that they see the house as theirs, and not mine, and that they are listened to, because we, as a team, are approachable. The boys need to be entertained and the TV is always on – we have subscriptions to Netflix and Kayo; however, it is not pivotal or central, TV is just something else on offer. Lastly, I like to ensure that they have access to snacks and food in the house. They are growing fast; I am aware that catering is an area of topical importance and concern, presently, and that Mr Byron is addressing this. However, in house, there is always extra – bread, cheese, ham, Vegemite, butter – food. There is a toaster, a sandwich press, a microwave and an air-fryer.
Critical to my theory is that we foster inclusivity, tolerance and support of each other. To this end, the return to business as usual has gone brilliantly. I am delighted to be back at work, loving the vibe and the warmth (not the humid warmth…) that I feel is at the very core of Stephens life and that the boys buy into and subscribe to. The way that the new intake has settled speaks volumes for the way in which the boys already in-house have welcomed them.
An Officer and a Gentleman
I am grateful for Stuart Officer taking the time from an incredibly busy Year 12 start of the year to pen his thoughts about Stephens 2024, introducing himself as our House Leader. You will hear more from the Leadership Group throughout the year, but, it seems only right that Stuart opens the batting in this issue of the Telegraph.
Senior Boarder Prefect and House Captain, Stuart Officer
Hi, my name is Stuart Officer. This year I am delighted and honoured to be the Stephens House Captain and Senior Boarder Prefect.
I come from a property called ‘Belmore West, Yelarbon’ out near Goondiwindi where we run cattle and crop. I have been in Stephens House since arriving at Grammar, and I am looking forward – along with the rest of the Year 12 Senior cohort – to building a legacy for the House. My role as House Captain and Senior Prefect is to ensure the good name of the school is kept and provide a role model or helper for those younger. Also, a congratulations to those who received a house leadership position. Supporting, mentoring and role-modelling is intrinsic to growing house values and getting buy-in from everyone. As the saying goes, a chain is only as strong as the weakest link, so, this year, I see it as my role, and the role of everyone in the house, to support and include all of the boys in as much as we can offer.
It’s been a great welcome back to the year with Stephens Boarding welcoming four new boys (Years 9-11) and I am really pleased at how the Stephens-Corfe boys have settled in these first couple of weeks, leaving just one spare bed within the house. Following the welcome back to the year, the Seniors have worked hard planning what they would like to achieve for the year and where they look to embrace the community within through our house creed, GRIT. Exemplifying all areas of what a good Stephens man represents: Gratitude, Respect, Integrity and Trust. The boys have bought into this well and there is a great feel through both the boarding and day house.
Once again a warm welcome to those and I wish you good luck for the year.
New Student BBQ
Mr Kefford with Ethan, Max, Gabe and Sam - not forgetting Coco
Last week, Mrs Kefford and I welcomed the new boys at TGS into our place for a breakfast BBQ and, because it clashed with an EPL Manchester United game, Mrs Kefford did far more of the heavy lifting than she should have been doing before she headed off to her new class in Year 6 up at Fairholme College.
It was good to have the new boys around and in the course of the year, we like to have all of the boys across for a breakfast at our place. Creating a bit of conversation and homeliness is really important and it helps to build connection. Kate likes to get into the house when she can, and whilst I feel it has more to do with ensuring that my ice cream and cake consumption remains moderate and controlled, she says it is more about getting to have a chat with a few of the fellas. I think that Stephens House is 'just' a normal place and, for that matter, pretty good.
Thank you to Sam, Max, Flynn, Ethan and Gabe for attending. As seen in the picture, Coco is still around and makes an appearance wherever there happens to be a bit of food. I may have said this before, however, in the words of George Michael, we think Coco has just enjoyed his ‘Last Christmas’, but we live in hope. It is wonderful to have him around the place and I think he has become an important part of the daily routine for a lot of the boys.
Stephens/TGS - Rugby School Exchange: Campbell Out and Gabe In
Gabe Downes has arrived to us from Rugby School and will be living the Stephens House life until the end of Term 1. In exchange for Gabe, we sent Rugby School our very own Campbell Newell. Following in the footsteps of Gilbert Tighe, Campbell is having a great time and has recently written to me proposing that Stephens should go co-ed. He would welcome the ‘soft influence’ (my words, not Campbell’s) of girls in the house and he feels that the boys would enjoy school life even more in a mixed environment. I don’t think there are any plans, sorry to disappoint Campbell.
Having flown in with his grandfather, Edward, on the day prior to term commencing, Gabe is going splendidly and it is like he has always been here. This is testimony to how he has settled in and his own flexibility to adapt to a new curriculum and lifestyle – not to mention a brutal heatwave. However, it is also a reflection of our own boys, and their ability to welcome an outsider, quickly turning him into an insider. To be curious and to be interested in the experiences of others; this makes me very proud of our house culture.
Gabe is keeping up with his UK studies, attending some classes in Specialist Maths, Physics and Psychology and, most importantly, representing the Year 11A Cricket team. This last weekend, he scored a decent 26 runs (I think) and naively hoped that the boys from Ipswich Grammar School would find the 32 degree heat just a bit too much when they were fielding. Gabe has not yet been to Ipswich, where most boys take a sweater to keep warm if it is ‘only’ 32 degrees.
I am hoping that in one of the next two issues of this very newsletter, Gabe will step up and write a little piece about life in Stephens. Likewise, I am hoping that Campbell does similar. I have already been approached by a couple of Year 9 boys about the 2025 exchange program. Evidently that says a lot about how desperate they are to get out of Stephens for a term!
I am delighted that we have two new members of the teaching staff who are in Stephens House and who wanted to put their hand up and cover some evening shifts to support the boys and just get to know a little bit more about Stephens 2024. I have always liked to listen to the Headmaster and Mr Byron talk about how ‘we are a boarding school and not a school with boarding.’ To this end, I feel that the teaching staff who embrace boarding get a lot more out of their job, and the boys get a lot more out of their teachers. Teaching is a relational job and getting to know people will mean that we all do our jobs better.
Lance Treloar will need no introduction and I was absolutely delighted when Lance offered to do some time in the House. For those of you who do not know, Lance was the Head of Stephens House (Boarding) around ten years, or so, ago. Before Mr Hill and before Mr Anderson. An exceptional teacher and a genuine top bloke to have around, the house will be an even better place for having Lance in it. I cannot tell you how lucky I feel and how fortunate the boys are.
Joining Mr Treloar is Mr Luke Paffey. Luke is a new teacher to TGS and put his hand up immediately for a gig in Stephens Boarding. Once more, the boys are going to have access in prep, and outside of prep, to a classroom teacher that wishes to be a part of their boarding journey. At risk of saying this too often, teachers do not make these choices by chance. They know the reputation of the boys in Stephens House and we frequently talk about it, celebrate it and live it.
And Finally, in Conclusion ...
With Stuart, Lachie and Sam in Senior School House leadership positions, joined by Alen, Frank, Nathan and Trace in House Leadership roles, 2024 is going to be a good year. Stuart and Lachie will oversee a revised and re-invigorated House Representative Council. This will meet for the first time this week and report back to me. One of the themes for the year will be around student ownership and accountability. Getting the boys inspired to do more, and take the initiative of leadership, is what growth looks like here. I have a few ideas to be developed for the Telegraph, including guest writers that will allow me to pass over the keyboard to others on a busy week. Mr Tranberg and Mr Wilson have returned in good spirits and as I said last year, I could not do my role without the support and hard work of these gentlemen.
Phil Kefford Head of House - Stephens Boarding
Taylor House
Taylor House - Welcome 2024
Dear Taylor Families,
Welcome to 2024. As I write this, I’m cognisant of the fact we are into Week 3 of Term 1 and how incredibly quickly the first two weeks have flown by. Our Corfies and new boys have settled to life in Taylor House; so seamlessly have they settled in, you’d barely know they are still finding their feet. This is a testament to their ability to adapt to their new environment. All our boys have returned well and settled back into the groove, there is a positive approach to each day and a genuine love of life at School.
At the end of 2023, a number of initiatives were discussed with our senior boys and a focus on leading the house in a positive direction was the key message. Year 12 boys have begun their journey in this area, with focused discussions on their approach and engagement of their peers. This week sees the first of many of those initiatives commencing during 'Taylor Duty Week'. Additionally, our senior boys will take on the mentor role, and will be working closely with boys in Years 10 and 11 as they embark on their leadership journey.
Last week, our Year 8 boys enjoyed their 'formal dinner' in the Jacaranda Room, with a focus on culture and their role within. Mr Byron and Mr Allen spoke of how positive culture sets a standard and expectation of how they journey from boys to men. The evening was a resounding success as discussions of the evening were enjoyed all the way back home.
Special congratulations goes to Archie Cass – First Volleyball and Alistair McKay – First Cricket. Their selection in their respective First teams speaks volumes to their dedication, passion and commitment to their sports. We wish them well throughout the season.
Upcoming events: Parents, please note the following events this term… place them in your calendars.
Week 3, 5-11 February: Taylor House Duty Week All boys in house will attend 'activity evening' 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Wednesday, 7 February: House Swimming Carnival
Tuesday, 13 February: Year 12 Parent/Teacher Evening
Wednesday, 21 February: Year 11 Boarders' Formal Dinner - Old Hall, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Sunday, 3 March: Boarders ‘Father & Son’ barefoot bowls day
Wednesday, 20 March: House Cross Country Championships
Saturday, 23 March: TGS P&F Art Show
25-28 March: Activities Week
Friday afternoon pick up is always a busy period, but I encourage parents to come up and have a quick chat with myself and Assistant Head of House, Tiff Holzheimer. It is always great to see you, our parents.
Wishing you all a great term ahead and hope to see you soon.
Eugene Massi Head of House - Taylor Boarding
From Taylor House Assistant Head of House - Tiff Holzheimer
Dear Taylor House Families,
Welcome to 2024. I hope you all enjoyed sharing some special days over the Christmas and New Year break together with your sons and family.
As we embark on a new term filled with possibilities and opportunities, we are privileged to work alongside your sons. Our commitment to fostering a supportive and enriching environment remains unwavering, and we are eager to share our hopes for the term ahead.
Boys' education holds a special place in our hearts, recognising the unique needs and potential of each young mind. As we navigate the challenges and triumphs that come our way, it’s important for us to remember that boys thrive in an atmosphere that combines structure with encouragement, and it is through this balance that we see boys flourishing.
With this in mind, our focus for the term ahead is on pastoral care – ensuring that every boy in our care feels seen, heard and supported. The boarding house is not merely a residence; it is a home away from home, where lasting friendships are forged and character is developed. This has also been a focus during our year level meetings conducted each fortnight in the boarding house.
We believe that by fostering a sense of belonging and instilling values of empathy and responsibility, we can create an environment that not only nurtures academic excellence but also shapes well-rounded young men prepared to face the challenges of the future. In Taylor House, we are dedicated to working collaboratively with boys, parents and staff to make this vision a reality.
In the spirit of camaraderie and shared goals, let us approach the term with enthusiasm and dedication. Together, we can create an environment where our boys not only excel academically but also develop the resilience and integrity necessary for success in all facets of life.
Please know, we are always here for your sons.
Wishing everyone a fulfilling and successful term ahead filled with blue and gold!